

In a message dated 97-07-12 16:23:14 EDT, [log in to unmask] (jhstarr)

<< I would suggest St.John's Wort before the GH3, if you want a
 natural product. There is more known about SJW.-- BY THE WAY-- If any of
 you listmates have tried SJW, I would be interested in knowing your
 results.                                Jerry Starr

GH3 sounds a lot like OPC as far as the things it has been reported to
help..I've never heard of GH3, where can you find it?  Also I've been looking
for SJW, but ever since the news on 20/20 all the shelves I've looked on are
out of it.  Anyone had any luck finding it?

Sue, in Mass.  daughter of Rocky 7?/14