

At 2:42 PM 7/8/97, cln wrote:
>Greetings all!
>Before husband Gene was diagnosed in '87, he was a dedicated blood
>donor at our local blood bank here in Eugene, OR.  After diagnosis, he was
>told he no longer could have blood drawn for donation.  Well...needless to
>say, he felt a bit "down". Please let me hear from you if you continue to
>be a blood donor despite having PK.  Need to know what part of the country
>and what blood bank, etc.
>Would love it if "dese guys" screwed up. :)  But...more importantly, it
>would be good psychologically for Gene to start donating again.
>Clara 62
>Gene 63/10 yrs.

In Tucson a person with Parkinson's is able to donate to the Red Cross
blood bank if he/she is able to control the donating arm!!!  That according
to a RC nurse who would classify as one of "dose guys."  So, if Gene can't
donate in rainy Eugene there is at least one sunnier alternative!

                Bob Dolezal