

Hi, I will re-introduce myself.  My name is Jackie and my father has had pd
for the last six years.
I mentioned before he is now in a really great home with a loving staff.
Today my mother and husband plus myself visited and had a lovely pot luck
supper.  When I returned home I phoned my mom to thank her for inviting us
and she sounded very different than the woman I had just left.  Seems that
Dad had gone off into one of his almost withdrawn states.  I believe that it
is called "a mask".  This has often upset my mother and she tends to take it
personally.  She starts to think he doesn't love her or appreciate anything
she has done or is doing.  I know that this is part of the disease but I was
wondering if someone who has this happen would let me know what the mind is
doing during this time.
Are you aware of what is going on but just cannot speak or is it like a
blackout?  As this disease progresses does your mind stay the same (just
that you are unable to communicate)?
I hope these questions are not an intrusion but, I am really trying to help
both my mom and dad get thru this together.  I have ms but it is so very
different from this. Hard to get inside my Dad's head!
Thanks, Jackie