

Marling McReynolds wrote:
> Flo,
> Effexor is a different type of anti-depressant, not tricyclic as Paxil and
> Prozac.  I am not sure what the differences mean, however there seem to be no
> contraindications for mixing Eldepryl and Effexor.  Talk with your doctors and
> pharmacist, after all I am only a victim of this condition not a medical expert.
> don't forget how to laugh
> Marling
> [log in to unmask]  (work)  or  [log in to unmask]

TO MARLING AND FLO.  Paxil, Prozac, and Zoloft are NOT tricyclics. They
are SSRI's (specific serotonin reuptake inhibitors-that is they increase
the activity of Serotonin. Effexor increases activity of both Serotonin
and Norepinephrine (another neurotransmitter active in depression). The
end result is that Effexor has fewer side effects and fewer drug
interactions, but doesn't work as well in some people. It must be tried
to find out. (Doctors all have their own pet antidepressants that they
have had success with) -That doesn't mean one specific one will (or will
not) work for you.                     Jerry Starr, RPh