

I've received several inquiries about this author & his books, so I'll answer
here for all who are interested:
 A LEG TO STAND ON was originally published in 1984 by Harper & Row.  Given
that year, it's interesting now to read authors who discuss cutting edge
neurology.   They explain much about his experience and ours.  Anyway, O.
Sacks has a craving and uncanny ability to become one with the inner
experience of neurological patients, and then describe that, explain it to
some extent, and in many cases, help.  You may be familiar with him - he
wrote the book AWAKENINGS, which was later made into a popular movie.  It's
about his treatment of patients who had been unresponsive for decades with
the then-new drug levadopa and the astonishing results. I have a 1990 edition
& don't know if there's a newer one.  It's always best to get the latest
edition of any of his books, because he usually updates his knowledge and
thoughts in the preface.  His book THE MAN WHO MISTOOK HIS WIFE FOR A HAT is
also an extremely interesting one about individuals with neurological
disorders - particularly in this case those with perceptual & intellectual
aberrations.  In this book and the other, he gives us the life history of
many individuals in a storytelling kind of way.....not dry &
boring........very readable and absorbing.  The books I've mentioned are all
available in soft cover.  He has authored others as well.  Happy reading!