

-- [ From: Donna Kipp * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

This disease is so difficult to manage  because there are so many variables.
It seems difficult to believe but I am starting to think maybe there may be
a corelation  between my WIld Yam cream (Natural Estrogen) and my worsening
symptoms. Several years ago I tried HRT and stopped because it made my PD
symptoms worse. I recently tried Wild Yam Cream and shortly afterward had an
upward adjustment in my  Sinemet dosage. Well I ran out and just didn't get
to replace it and then the dyskinesis started. The pieces are starting to
fit together.
The good news is I am feeling better now. Two good days!!
I want to thank everyone again for their help, Particularly Janet who urged
me to delve  a little deeper into the cause of my problems....Donna

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