

From: Tebay, Wendy M on Fri, Jul 11, 1997 6:07 PM
Subject: Udall Bill
To: PD Listserv Postings

While I truly feel horrible for those who are dying of pd, and have
written and/or visited my senators and congressmen regarding the Udall
Bill, and have also lent support in other ways, there is one thing I
must say (and I am only speaking for myself here), I AM NOT DYING of
Parkinson's.  I am LIVING with PD and I intend to do so for a long
time.  I am planning now for a future that is going to be truly
exciting, in part BECAUSE of my pd.  I am still employed currently,
but am beginning to put into place plans for my future.  I am
beginning to research and make plans for starting my own business.  I
am going to be better off now that I have pd.  My dreams are growing
bigger every day.

I work for a large aerospace company that just announced that it will
be merging with another aerospace company.  That will the fifth merger
since I started.  Because of the last one, I recently moved to
Colorado from New Jersey, as they're closing our plant there soon.  I
was a bit scared of moving that far by myself, esp with the pd, but my
life is not going to end because of it.  I'm not exaggerating when I
say that I am really excited about my future out here.  I think that
hope and a zest for life are ultimately the best medicines for any
disease, and no doctor or lawmaker can give that to anyone.  I want to
see the Udall Bill pass, but no matter the outcome, I WILL survive
this and probably outlive most of them.

I am not disparaging the letter below nor the efforts so many have
made in support of the Udall Bill (myself included), but I do get
upset when I read the medical literature and anything else which
further perpetuates a gloom and doom prognosis.  Everyone has a fatal
disease, and it's called life.  The only difference is whether one
spends their life dying, or spends it living.  I've already made my
choice, and I intend to have a great time while I'm 'dying' of pd.

Wendy Tebay

(I highly recommend Deepak Chopra's book "The Way of the Wizard" for
anyone who wants to learn how to create their own reality, rather than
becoming a victim of it)

>Like my former congressman, I am dying of Parkinson's.  Passage of
>bill named for him will do nothing to save Mo, and, although I am not
>far along as Mo, probably not me.  But it will save millions of other
>Americans, possibly in my family, who will have done nothing to bring
>this terrible disesase.
>Please - please! -  help, if no more than allowing the bill to be
>out of your committee.  I know you CAN do what you did last session -
it is
>legal, it is part of the rules.  But that does not make it right.