

Fellow listserv members,
I am mostly a lurker but want to go on record as saying that I do not object
in the least to folks bantering back and forth.  My husband (Art 55) was
recently diagnosed, and, yes, I did initially join the list to get "serious"
information, but it does my heart good and gives me hope that people who have
to deal with just a whole lot of stuff that 99% of the folks in the world
don't can keep such a wonderful sense of humor, and from them the "serious"
information I've gotten is that there is life with Parkinson's and it has
meant just a whole lot to me to know that. So thanks for all the humor and
some of the banter back and forth that is sort of an inside thing that I may
not understand, but that you do is what is important and fun!

Very sincerely,
Barb Brock
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