

ron barber wrote:
> before you post, ask yourself this question:  If the 2000
> list members were in an auditorium with you, would you
> stand up and make the same comments?  You may think it's rude
> to tell someone to shut up, but I think it's pretty rude to
> yammer on, day  after day, when people are trying to exchange
> usefull information.

I would just like to say as a "newbie" to the list, that for me
it's not only the "useful information" that is important but
also the support group aspect. I think that it's wonderful that
this is not just an information forum but also that through the
"yammering" the personalities of the people on this list come
through, hence the "support" aspect.  After all, we're not in
an auditorium listening to a guest speaker.

Lori Bauer cg for grandmother 87/7
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