

At 07:01 AM 7/4/97 -0400, you wrote:
> I try to put together a comprehensive list of all those who are on this
>Parkinson's list who are or would be willing to be politically active (by
>that I mean contact their Representative or Senator by phone, mail or in
>person).  Would everyone who fits that description please send me a brief
>e-mail with the following information:
>Your Name:
>Your Location:
>Representative or Senator  contacted:
>Date contacted:
>        Fetal tissue research
>        Earmarking
>        Other
>Method of contact:
>Are you a member of a support group?
>To my many friends and acquaintances on this list, please don't assume I
>already have this information from you.
>To those who think they might be interested, don't be shy or intimidated.
>We need your help.
>Jim Cordy
>[log in to unmask]
....Name: Russell Ahlstrom

Location: North Mankato, MN

Representative contacted: David Menge