

Dear Friends,

It seems that since my diagnosis everyone around me asks me questions.  I am
amazed at how little they know about PD, and how many things they think they
know that just are not so.

I wrote a letter to the editor in our local paper explaining the basics about PD
and about the Udall bill.  It came out on Monday and between then and now
(Friday night) I have had dozens of people comment that they learned a lot from
my letter.  They had no idea of the truth of PD.  And, some of them even let me
know that they were calling Representative Riggs (R-CA) to say that he should be
co-sponsoring the bill.

I intend to write more for the paper on PD and other such conditions so that the
general public will understand a little more when they see someone who seems
"not exactly right" or learns that they or their friends are diagnosed with it.

We are a small community and everyone's first reaction was to say it was so sad,
and they were sorry to lose me.  BUT, I'm still here and still working!  I guess
I just want people to understand a little better.

Have any of you tried to educate your community about PD??
Also, I need some ideas about support groups.  There are about 10 of us in our
area that have it. Only 3 of us are young ( under 50) PDers.  The others are
older (60 to 91).

Thank you all for being there with your ideas, information, and love.  I feel
better just knowing that I will be at the computer tomorrow and seem to be with
you all.

don't forget how to laugh
[log in to unmask]  (work)  or    [log in to unmask]
or     [log in to unmask]

PS  I have started a web page at

It is mainly my genealogy, but I will also be putting on some pages about PD