

You posted:
  >>Everyone has a fatal
disease, and it's called life.  The only difference is whether one
spends their life dying, or spends it living.  I've already made my
choice, and I intend to have a great time while I'm 'dying' of pd.

Wendy Tebay

(I highly recommend Deepak Chopra's book "The Way of the Wizard" for
anyone who wants to learn how to create their own reality, rather than
becoming a victim of it)<<

Wendy, as a philosophy of life, I too believe that one lives with PD or
whatever comes ones way, and I have gone about living and adapting to PD for
 13 years now.  And though I haven't read this particular book by Deepak
Chopra, I find his writings most interesting and inspirational, especially
"Quantum Healing."  Also Norman Cousins' books, esp. the one that has "Head
First" as part of its title.

But as far as the Udall bill is concerned, which I like you am working on
behalf of, I think we need to indicate that the morbidity rate due to PD is
under-reported in the statistics


Barbara Blake-Krebs    [log in to unmask]