

> Fra: Sonya Ingle <[log in to unmask]>
> Til: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
> Emne: What tests for Parkinsons?
> Dato: 10. juli 1997 18:58
> Item Subject: cc:Mail Text
>      Hello:
>      Can anyone tell me what tests she should have to prove conclusively
>      that she does or does not have Parkinsons?
>      Thanks-
>      Sonya Ingle

Hello Sonya,
I was diagn. 3 1/2 years ago, and my sympthomes increased exactly 4 years
ago. I suddenly KNEW that it was PD, and went to a very good Neurologist.
He just looked at me, took my hand and arm and told me: you have PD. He
ordered me to a MR-scanning only to know if I had a brain-tumor.  But there
is NO tests, but most of us PWP know that we sufferf rom this disease.
 The only test I know is to give an injection of APORMORFIN, because if you
react and stop shaking - you have the disease, I`m told by my nerologist.

Sonia Nielsen