

You seem to hang on to the notion that the diagnosis of PD is impercise.
The clinical signs and symptoms are quite specific.  While there are
things it can be confused with when those illnesses are excluded by lab
tests and the disease has progressed I would suspect that the
histopathological findings at autopsy would show PD in 95%+ of the
cases.  PD is real!! It is not just a label invented by the medical
profession.  Your idea of us going on a placebo controled study would ie
reasonable if there was a question of diagnostic and theraputic
validity.  The placebo contolled studies have been done in the past and
have shown unequivicaly that most but not all patients that have the
symptoms we call PD are helped by l-dopa.  A theraputic trial is indeed
helpful in the diagnosis but there are some people who are somewhat
l-dopa resistant.  Studies continue and brains of PD victims continue to
be studied and corrolated with the symptoms exhibited during life.
Research is important in real illness,  an attitude readjustment may be
useful and help us cope but I am aware of no evidence that it changes
the histopathological course of the disease.  Denying the illness will
not make it go away.  Failure to do research because "polititions are
crooks" and waste our tax money is no answer.

Billy, I would like to hear some positive suggestions- besides the one
of getting stoned and playing ostrich.

My solution is to take an active role in our treatment by educating
ourselves in treatment options.  (And not to accept explainations like
"This is the way I do it").  Participate in research trials for both the
benefit of yourself and the rest of us, support research initiative
politically like the Udall Bill and yes Billy donate your brain for
research after death.  Eh?

Heather Elizabeth Baird wrote:
> Like, I think that all Parkinsons patients should be subject to a
> placebo test, eh?  This would be the way to determine if you
> really have Parkinsons or not.  Now, please tell me why this
> would not work.
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