

> Fra: Heather Elizabeth Baird <[log in to unmask]>
> Til: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
> Emne: Re: Sv: What tests for Parkinsons?
> Dato: 12. juli 1997 22:39
> If you have an autopsey done, this will show if your Parkinsons
> was real or imagined.  Most Nuerologists just prescribe Sinemet,
> and if the Sinemet helps your symptoms, you have Parkinsons, and
> if the Sinemet does not help your symptoms, you do not have
> Parkinsons.  Anyway, this is all just my opinion, and I am wrong
> 99.9% of the time, eh?
> [log in to unmask]

Hello Billy, yes it`s too early to have an autopsey :-))  but as I was told
by my neurologist an inj. with APORMORFIN maybe in some cases can prouve
that you have PD.
In my case there wasn`t no doubt that I had PD, because after less than a
week I was able to write, walk without problems with my balance. But later
there was a neurologist who doubted, because I was very difficult to give
the right dosis.............. unfortunately my  disease has increased and I
have to take more Sinemet, but today I don`t need to doubt. I accept the
disease and live with PD instead of fight against it.
If you are wrong 99.9%of the time? No I don`t think so!!!!!!
Sonia Nielsen