

Hi there

My name is Simone and I am a 2nd year medical student at the
University of Newcastle, Australia.  I am studying the particular
needs of patients with Parkinson's disease and would like to be able
to obtain the view point of people with the disease, care givers,
health professionals, relatives etc etc.  Below is a list of
questions that I am interested in answering.  I would appreciate if
you could spare ten minutes of your time to answer then and discuss
any other issues you feel would be relevant to myunderstanding.

Thank you


1.  What are the main problems as identified by the sufferers of
Parkinson's disease?  What do they most often ask for, complain of,
or request help with?

2.  In what areas does a person with Parkinson's have more of a
problem than other people their age?  What services are needed to
deal with these problems?  Are they adequate?

3.  What health services do patients with Parkinson's disease utilise

4.  Identify the three health related problems for sufferers of
Parkinson's Disease, which you feel are most in need of action.