


After having pd for eleven years I too have been plagued with dyskinesia -
for the past year.  Its very uncomfortable and frustrating.
I started on Permax about a  month ago in addition to the sinemet 25/100
and eldepryl am already taking.
I have end of dose dyskinesia every a.m. approx 3-4 hours after my first
meds of the day. Have tried different combinations but can't seem to get it
right. Marty I don't understand what u mean by 11/2 .25 tablets three
times a day. I was taking up to 2 .25 mg permax 3 times a day but now cut
back to 1 .25mg permax 3 times a day plus 5-6 25/100 sinemets and 1 eldepryl

Any feedback welcome.

Rosemary Paul

Rosemary Paul
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Community Services  x3919