

All Listmembers,

Two things have to be differentiated in this threat. One is; is it allowed to
criticize this group and two; does one agree with the content of the criticism.
The answer on the first question should be" yes of course ". What does freedom
of speach means when criticism is not allowed. There was a paradox in the
reactions on the criticism of David and Jeane which was the agressiveness of
the reactions in which agressiveness was prohibited. To my opinion the essence
of democracy is to be able to esteem disagreeing people, to be able to say I
admire your courage for saying this, but I disagree.

About point two I agree with Charles Meyer, so I don't need to repeat that.

                        Ida Kamphuis, Holland
                               [log in to unmask]

BTW I have translated the Chris Kinesia story of David Boots and show it to
everyone who is interested. The hilarious amusing aspect of the story does not
make the tragic side invisible. On the contrary it makes it more acceptable and
humane. It is not a horror story. After reading people usually stress they now
understood the world of a PWP much better

 14-7-97 19:54, in bericht <[log in to unmask]>, "Charles T.
Meyer" <[log in to unmask]> schreef:

> Listfriends:
> The volume of the messages this group produces is overwhelming and I think
> most of us read them selectively.  Unless one receives their list mail
> in digest form non-list e-mail can easily be overlooked.  It should be
> noted that the size of the list has remained constant over the past few
> months in spite of the growth of the internet.  I have talked to many
> people who have been so overwhelmed by the volume that they have left
> the list.
> Here are a few suggestions for decreased volume.  It is so easy to
> answer a personal question by hitting the reply button on the browser
> that many of us forget that a reply is posted for everyone even if it
> has relevance only to 1 person.  Try to send replies that you think do
> not have general interest directly to the individual(s).  Try to combine
> short messages- especially on the same topic into fewer posts. Also as
> suggested by others label in the subject line the content of the post.
> I think the last time we went through this the volume decreased
> considerably for a time and then drifted upward again.
> I plead guilty to most if not all of the faults I have mentioned and
> will be trying my damnedest to follow my own advice.
> Charlie