

Hi Phil,

I was very interested to read your post this AM.  It has helped to put me
back into a positive frame of mind this morning.  I was feeling pretty sorry
for myself when I read it.  I feel somewhat better now.  I know that exercise
can help a lot.  I sometimes find myself trying to do everything "now " while
I can still function without too many problems.  Unfortunately, there is
still too much that I had planned on doing to fit it all into the next year
or two.  Besides who can afford it?  I try to be realistic.  I know that PD
will not kill me but it will make it harder to do things.  That part scares
me sometimes.  I never wanted to be a burden to my family and I feel that is
coming some day.  Lets pray for a cure!!!!!  Again thanks for the positive

Sue W.  45/2