

I like the JOBS idea. I have been going for job interviews for the past
few weeks, and I'm not brining up the subject of PD at the interview. I
try to slide my right hand under my leg as I sit down to hide the tremor.
So far I have not got called back after any of my interviews, so maybe
I'm not hiding it as well as I thought.
I'm also interested in people who do tell their employer that they have
PD, and how the employers have reacted. To tell or not to tell. That is
the question.
On Wed, 16 Jul 1997 04:27:36 -0400 Bernard JOLY <[log in to unmask]>
>Dear friends,
>Young PWP's (I mean those under 60) have a specific problems on top of
>PD :
>too young for retirement, unshrinkable needs (young children at home),
>money for later ...
>Statistics state that 50% of PWP's are diagnosed under 55. Whatever
>the exact
>count, there are a lot of them, and they all have the same problems
>added to
>PD :
>Keep their job if they have one
>- Ignore PD at work and pretend they can do as much as before
>- Talk about PD and find a new way to achieve the same goals
>- Find a niche where PD can be coped with
>Make a decision if and when they lose their job
>- Keep fighting for a job
>- Find out they are not able to compete
>- Deal with the loss of their professional identity
>- Find alternate money to survive, and/or squeeze their expenses
>- Find a new identity
>If you are interested in this topic, please drop me a message (public
>personal) with the letters JOBS as the start of your header. If you
>don't like
>the idea, please drop me a message (public or personal) with the
>NOJOBS as a header, thus allowing me to read or delete.
>If I get more JOBS messages than  NOJOBS messages,  I am ready to
>create a
>cross-list sub-group called JOBS. The only rules would be : talk about
>and start your header with the letters JOBS. Other list members not
>would filter or delete on the keyword JOBS
>If I get a majority of NO's, I will forget it and stay :)
>Bernard JOLY (64/8)
>[log in to unmask]