

In the 9 months in which I have been a member of this
list, the 'banter/list split' debate has come to a head twice
and has been alive and well and living under the surface
the rest of the time.

Each time the subject has surfaced it has become 'bigger
than Ben Hur' (or as the subject is future directions should
I say 'Quo Vadis') and generated more traffic than the 'banter'
which generated it. Each time suggestions are made about
splitting this list into 'interest groups'.  The debate seems to
ignore the following:

1.      Topics are dynamic, they grow from one another.
        Within a year (at a guess) each of the 'one issue'
        lists will have diversified.

2.      The fact that topics are dynamic is a part of the
        strength of the list.  One line in a posting can result
        in a whole new thread ( and if we are really lucky,
        a whole new title in the Subject box).  If anyone
        genuinely believes this is a bad thing I wish them
        luck with controling it.

3.      It is imposible to find a universaly acceptable definition
        for the phrase "off-line topic".  (This is not a challenge,
        simply a statement of fact). Any definition which would
        exclude banter, for example, would probably also exclude
        discusion on the day by day, representative by
        representative details of the Udall bill. It is actually a lot
        easier to find a definition for 'on-line' topics, which would
        include both subjects.

4.      Those people who feel strongly that alternate lists are
        viable and desirable are at liberty to set them up. They
        are also at liberty to either leave this list or remain on it.
        The choice is theirs.

5.      Finally, as I see it, the real question in regard to the list
        is "do I belong to to it for what I can get out of it, or for
        what  I can give to it?"  For most of us the answer will
        be a balance of the two.  We join for what help we can
        get.  With time we find ourselves giving more and more.
        Hopefully a balance evolves.  As for me, if the day ever
        comes when I feel that not only am I not getting anything
        from being here, but ALSO that I am not giving anything
        to the list,  I shall fold my tents, say my goodbyes and
        leave. Why would I stay? Why would you want me to?

Lets get real. If anyone is actually going to set up specialist lists let
them do it.  If anyone is planing on leaving because of percieved
deficencies in the list, please do so, preferably without blaming me for
their actions.  To those of you still  out there busy Udalling and
and even occasionly mentioning PD - Hi, I'm still here, 2 cents worth at
the ready, glad of your support and offering mine.


Dennis Greene 47/10
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