

I strongly support splitting the list.  I'm overwhelmed by the list
volume.  Perhaps those of you who love the high volume of this list
still find it easy to manipulate a keyboard and mouse.

Some of us don't.

Perhaps you don't have a full time job.

Some of us do.

Perhaps you aren't raising kids.

Some of us are.

I cannot understand why we cannot separate postings about
parkinsons from postings which have nothing to do with
parkinsons except they were written by someone on the list.

If we split off "PDCHAT" from the main list, then those of
you who want to chat could still get your prefered mix of
chat and info.  Those of us who don't want so much chat could
ignore the chat list.

Just think of it- no more complaints about too much chat-
you could chat all day and night and only other chatters
would get your messages.  Its exceedingly rude and selfish
of you not to make a small accommidation to those of us who
don't want to wade through your posts.

I'm willing to set up and pay for a chat mailing list if you
will just switch your chat over to it.  Just keep your current
subscription and add another.  It's not that tough.

Am I pissed off?  Yes I'm pissed off. I expect to use the list
as a primary source of information about one of the most important
things happening in my life.  I don't want to spend all night for
the rest of my life wading through old jokes, chain letters, survey
responses, "me too" postings, personal discussions, virus warnings,
flirtations, bad puns, etc.

Let me try it this way- how would you like it if your library only
had one book?  If your city had only one newspaper?  If your
TV only picked up one station? There's nothing sacred about the format
of the list.  Caregivers already have a separate place to
discuss their issues, why can't the bulk of socializing be moved
off as well?

Perhaps some who used to run a discussion forum but now has some
spare time on her hands would like to own a discussion list?

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