

I recently went for an interview where the application form asked: "Do
you consider yourself to have a disability?".  I answered No, because I
feel that my PD is not hurting the way I do my job at this time. Things
could change in the future, but I really do not consider myself to be
disabled. I don't know if that's positive thinking or denial. :-)

On Thu, 17 Jul 1997 10:43:41 -0400 "B.Bruce Anderson"
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Charlie, I recently completed a application form which had as a
>        General Condition of Health_______________.
>Is this illegal accoding to ADA?  If so, what do you think - is it
>to answer an illegal question untruthfully?  The only answer to the
>question on the application, it would seem to me, which would get you
>job would be "Excellent."  This is work I can do and my PD would not
>seriously hurt my performance.  So "Excellent" is what I used. It's
>contract work, not employment, and I'm likely to get hired after just
>phone interview, so it's practical.  But is it legal and ethical?
>Bruce A.