

On Thu, 17 Jul 1997, Bernard JOLY wrote:

> There is currently a lot of discussion about the flow of messages, whether we
> should split the list, rule the way it works, ...

Yes, Bernard, there certainly has been a lot of discussion lately.  I
don't know the answer (if there IS only one answer).  If any member wants
to start a sub-list on any specific topic, please feel free to do this.
To start off, you might be able to use the 'address book' feature and
have the messages sent directly to you and then you would distribute them
to all those who have joined your sub-list.  I would really not like to
see sub-lists based on countries.  I feel that our members in Brazil and
Denmark are dealing with the same pd problems that we are and perhaps we
and they can give each one of us a different perspective on life in the
slow lane.  Passage of the Udall Bill means research dollars for pd
research which will affect all us who have pd.

On Wednesday, the doctor who is filling in for my family dr. told me that
I have tendonitis in my right hand and wrist (pd so far has only affected
my left side).  She said I would have to be off work for a week and not to
type or write any more than absolutely necessary (we won't mention this
short message to my employers, will we?).  She also prescribed 'Arthrotec
75' which is an anti-inflamatory consisting of diclofenac sodium and
misoprostol. I asked about any possible problems between it and my pd
meds.  She immediatly said there was not.

Well, folks, you and I know that each and every medication we use affects
each and every one of us differently, so I decided to check this by
asking John Cottingham to search the archives about this and he found
nothing.  John, bless him, also searched the web and pointed me to some
very positive information about the drug so I decided to take it.  So far
so good.

I also had to present my dr.'s note to my boss and take time off at a
rather inconvenient time for them.  The Dean and the admin assistant were
both very supportive and encouraging and, after my appointment for
assessment at physio next Wednesday morning, I will meet with them to
discuss my return to the job.

Now, if we had many sub-lists, would I post this to one used specifically
for drug questions?   Or one specifically about jobs?  Or one
specifically about working women with pd and tendonitis?  Or maybe one
for Canadian women who work on computers and have pd?  Or?

Personally, I want to know that Don finished his patio and that Barb
Mallut lost her job.  I grieved when we lost Alan Bonander and Aviva
Devor and Moira McPherson even though, other than on the list, I had
only spoken to Alan twice on the phone and had met Moira once at a
conference in Toronto.

I also know that we have to find a way to cut back on the 'I agree'
messages and can only suggest we each monitor ourself on this.  I am open
to suggestions but please send them to me rather than the list.


Barbara Patterson                               [log in to unmask]
HSC 2J22                                        905-525-9140, ext. 22403
                        School of Nursing