

from Stephan 53/7 . . .
Hello again JH -
I promised more information about herbs and natural remedies for the
treatment of PD.

First and foremost is nutrition.  If you review the postings to the list
you will learn how to counsel your father in the most beneficial intake
of food.  There are professionals who post to the list with more
detailed information.

Your father's diet should contain a large percentage of raw foods such
as fruits and uncooked or lightly steamed vegetables,  and seeds, nuts
and grains.  If he is on levadopa (Sinemet) therapy, modify his daily
intake of protein (meat, eggs, cheese) to provide only small amounts
for breakfast and lunch and the bulk of the protein for dinner to aid
absorption of the medication.

As for vitamins/minerals, antioxidants are the 'mantra.'  Vitamins 'E',
'C', Betacarotene(A,D), and Selenium and Co-Enzyme Q-10 all act to
reduce the negative activity of free radicals in the body.  Free
radicals cause untimely death of body and brain cells (neurons).
Calcium and magnesium (often found together in tablet form) improve
nerve impulse pathways.  Also, note the recent postings for the amino
acid, L-Carnitine as a dietary supplement.

Herbs can be helpful too, but they are a bit trickier in figuring out
quantities and dosages.  Various herbs are known to treat stress or
enhance neurological function.  The leaves of the wood betony contain
magnesium.  Valerian root reduces stress and muscle cramps.
Sarsaparilla root reduces stress and contains vitamins A & D and Zinc.
Suma bark and leaves contain antioxidants and combat fatigue and stress
(similar to the properties of ginseng).  Licorice root contains large
amounts of B vitamins and choline, and is good for stress, muscle spasms
and adrenal gland functioning.  Kelp contains high levels of
antioxidants and choline and is good for brain tissue.  Ginko biloba
promotes brain function, aids in treating depression and helps blood
flow.  I am quite sure I have missed a few.

Finally, there has been interest in hypnosis and accupuncture to reduce
or eliminate tremor.  Please look to other postings on the list for more
complete information.

Good luck with your father.

Stephan 53/7  (using Aaron's e-mail)