

In a message dated 97-07-09 04:58:49 EDT, [log in to unmask] (Jeanne Prestin)

 >You are such idiots...  I joined this mail group because I wanted to learn
more about Parkinson's disease and treatment and NOT to read your frickin
messages to one another.  I have 160 emails from Ken Becker, Barbara,
Marjorie and all you other stupid idiots who are conversing back and forth to
ONE another.  I don't care to read your personal messages.  PLEASE email each
other through your INDIVIDUAL email addresses or find a CHAT room.
 Jeanne >>


The only idiot around is you. The rest of us are intelligent enough to
participate, or
lurk, and learn. BTW, if you'd bothered to read Barbara Patterson's welcome
message to new subscribers, you'd have learned that you could get the day's
messages in one digest, instead of individually. And that's just the

Open your mind, and knowledge will enter. The way it seems to be right now
... highly doubtful.
