

There was a strategy meeting Friday afternoon with the offices Senator
McCain and Senator Wellstone.  Our legislative leaders have decided that is
time to move the Udall Bill.  Their desire is to have Senator Frist hold
hearings, report the bill out of committee, and pass the bill in the Senate
prior to the August recess.  Senator McCain will make a personal request of
Senator Frist to have hearings on the bill next week.  In addition to this
personal request,   he would like to see a show support from the grassroots
- that is you I.

We have to ACT FAST.  Keep the message short:

request that Senator Frist support the Udall Bill and have hearings on the
Udall Bill next week.

If you can call, the number for Senator Frist's DC office is:

You must mail today or tomorrow if it is to be effective:
        Office of Senator Frist
        United States Senate
        Washington, D.C. 20510


        senator [log in to unmask]

This is Phase 2 of our grassroots effort, the actual legislative process.
Phase 1 was to get cosponsors, and we still need to get more cosponsors.
During Phase 2 we will need to apply pressure to certain individual
legislators because of the positions they have on various committees.  We
now have a majority in both Houses again (63 in Senate and 224 in  House).
The challenge is to get it out of committee.

You may wish to consider establishing a phone tree of your friends
neighbors support group.

Jim Cordy
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