

To add to the storehouse of information about this uniquely individualistic
disease, I almost NEVER take meds at nite.  My first meds of the day are taken
about 11 -12 noon, and the next dose (the last) is taken about 5 to 6 p.m.
(depending).   This is the same schedule and drug dose I was on prior to my
10/24/94 unilateral pallidotomy.

Since the surgery, I no longer have "on's 'n off's" but do get kind of an
"antsy" feeling - a restlessness" after approximately 6 hours (from the time
the first dose of the day was taken) that indicates to me it's time to take a

I might add, in the VERY stress-filled 12 months prior to getting laid off my
job on July 7, the PD was very active (for me).   I've been free from that
stress for 2 solid weeks now and FEEL great - PD-wise.  Even the daily
profound exhaustion had abated by July 10th.

The reason I mention this is because I still DO have stress in my life - one
can't 'be human and not. However, it's not that awful, all-day, all-night, 7
day-a-week-grinding-work-related-stress that came with Microsoft's taking
someone who was gifted at doing the original job she was hired to do and
trying to turn that non-technical-oriented individual into a programmer  THAT
was on top of the normal job-related stress..

I've begun to think that there's something like an "acceptable PD stress
level" which one's system (tho not always one's mind) WILL tolerate to a
certain degree.  However, at some point, if that invisible stress level is
exceeded on a regular daily basis we hit "PD PAYBACK TIME!"

That's when the Parkinson's Disease reminds us who's REALLY running the show.

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange  On Behalf Of Bent Willow
Sent:   Sunday, July 20, 1997 11:22 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Meds  Only at Night?

> Mary Ann,
> [log in to unmask]
> I found your husband's medicine schedule most remarkable, so much so that
> think it should be studied by researchers--17 years on the job  since dx
> he only takes PD med at night.  I'm curious to know how much PD meds he
> at night and what other steps you and he have taken to control his PD??

> Barbara Blake-Krebs (55, dx 1984)            [log in to unmask]
Jamie only takes * Sinemet* at night, but he takes Eldepryl, Amantadine and
Artane in the a.m.  He also takes Lopressor (which I sincerely believe has
decreased his tremor remarkably) for hypertension, Zyloprim for Gout, and
Zantac at night for gastric reflux.  He's a regular walking pharmacy.

When he comes home at 4 p.m. he take 50/250 of Sinemet.  Then at 9:30 p.m.
he takes another 50/250 followed by half that dose at 11:30 at night - he
then can sleep until 6 a.m.

Jamie is a physical chemist and does most of his work at the computer.  We
maintain a very low-profile existence and avoid stress like the plague.  We
have a small farm and a large garden, which Jamie thoroughly enjoys.  We
notice he functions much better in the summer when he gets regular 'garden
Mary Ann (CG of Jamie 57/17)