

On Mon, 14 Jul 1997 04:58:21 -0400 Simone Bartlett said:
>1.  What are the main problems as identified by the sufferers of
>Parkinson's disease?  What do they most often ask for, complain of,
>or request help with?
  As a CG for my husband, who was diagnosed about 8 years ago, I would say
he is most concerned about: Memory & bradyphrenia, constipation,timing
of meds,weak voice(I wear hearing aid,which makes it worse!)

>2.  In what areas does a person with Parkinson's have more of a
>problem than other people their age?  What services are needed to
>deal with these problems?  Are they adequate?
  Problems--balance, constipation, memory loss,speech ,inability to
 socialize comfortably.  Docs need to be more aware of the dangers and
 special difficulties of delayed  gastric emptying/impaction in PWPs
 and neuros need to be concerned with other parts of the body,not
 just the brain--things they can't just give a pill for that affect
the PWP!

>3.  What health services do patients with Parkinson's disease utilise
  Neurologist, internist for primary care, emergency room of hospital

>4.  Identify the three health related problems for sufferers of
>Parkinson's Disease, which you feel are most in need of action.
  increased research on a variety of fronts, insurance coverage for
  newer approaches (surgery, new meds, etc.) , education of the medical
  professionals who deal with PWPs occasionally, e.g. in hospitals,ERs.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter, 78/7, Oxford,Ohio
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