

It is not denial, it is believing that the treatment will work,
whatever that treatment is.  If you don't believe the treatment
will work, how can it ever work?  If not enough dopamine is being
produced, why can't we just tell our brain to produce more?
There must be a better way then feeding ourselves all these
expensive medications, and the medications are just to relieve
the symptoms, nothing more, nothing less.  If only the symptoms
could be removed, there would be no need for the medications.
Maybe if we laughed all the time enough dopamine would be
produced to eliminate the symptoms?  The trouble with this, is
that everyone would think that we were crazy, and what would be
better, to be crazy or to have Parkinsons?
It is just so hard to believe when there is no logical
explanation to be found as to when these symptoms occur.  There
are also some people who have been diagnosed as having Parkinsons
for years, and then it is finally discovered that it was not
Parkinsons at all.  It is not black and white, there is just too
much grey area.  Anyway, thanks all, for letting me get this off
my chest, I feel better already.
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