

Dear friends,

Young PWP's (I mean those under 60) have a specific problems on top of PD :
too young for retirement, unshrinkable needs (young children at home), saving
money for later ...

Statistics state that 50% of PWP's are diagnosed under 55. Whatever the exact
count, there are a lot of them, and they all have the same problems added to
PD :

Keep their job if they have one
- Ignore PD at work and pretend they can do as much as before
- Talk about PD and find a new way to achieve the same goals
- Find a niche where PD can be coped with

Make a decision if and when they lose their job
- Keep fighting for a job
- Find out they are not able to compete
- Deal with the loss of their professional identity

- Find alternate money to survive, and/or squeeze their expenses
- Find a new identity

If you are interested in this topic, please drop me a message (public or
personal) with the letters JOBS as the start of your header. If you don't like
the idea, please drop me a message (public or personal) with the letters
NOJOBS as a header, thus allowing me to read or delete.

If I get more JOBS messages than  NOJOBS messages,  I am ready to create a
cross-list sub-group called JOBS. The only rules would be : talk about JOBS
and start your header with the letters JOBS. Other list members not interested
would filter or delete on the keyword JOBS

If I get a majority of NO's, I will forget it and stay :)


Bernard JOLY (64/8)
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