

From: Tebay, Wendy M on Thu, Jul 17, 1997 11:00 AM
Subject: speed of onset
To: PD Listserv Postings

I was glad to read Russ Ahlstrom's posting re: his 32 year experience
with pd.  I don't view people who survive that long with pd (and some
of them quite well too) as having a fatal disease.  I believe their
experiences can become the norm, rather than the exception.
Personally I'd be more interested in research that unlocks their
secret(s), rather than the research which seems to only focus on the
negative experience of pd.  I know I intend to be one of the
exceptions to this stupid disease.  I have been diagnosed now for over
six years now (altho' it's really 8+) and I still play soccer &
volleyball, just moved across country, and am going to start my own
business.  It's not always easy, by any means, but I am happy with my
life and am making even bigger plans now that I've got pd.  Actually,
I am quite excited about personally blowing away all previous held
perceptions about the progression of pd and what supposedly is in
store for me.

I am not a victim!

Wendy Tebay