


I've been on Sinamet 25/250's since 1989, and initially had nausea within a
short while after taking the first dose of the day.  My then neurologist said
"live with it," which was an unsatisfactory response in my opinion so I
changed neuros (which I realize is a choice not always available to everyone
for various reasons).  The new neuro suggested I break the tablet in half,
taking the second half of the tablet 10 or 15 minutes later, and take the 2
half-tablets with gingerale (since ginger enhances the seritonin or something
like that).  I had immediate cessation of nausea, until I started taking
Eldapryl the following year.

Once I began taking Eldapryl, it was always touch 'n go as to whether I'd toss
it up in public or make it to the restroom in time <GROAN> I soon found this
was a good way of judging the depth of  my friendships.  I even had "Barb's
Eldapryl test for dating!" (real-life story follows):

We were on a first-date, dressed in evening clothes, on our way to a concert,
tooling down the freeway, when I suddenly screamed "PULL-OVER-I'M-GONNA-BARF!"
<blush> He immediately swerved to a stop at the side of the freeway where I
instantly leaped from the car and threw-up. <MAJOR BLUSH>  He was SUCH a
sweetie about the whole thing as I mumbled something about  the damn medicine
I was taking.  This gentleman passed the Eldapryl Test with flying colors.

I had more dates than I can count in the 3 years I was on ELdapryl, where I
made it to the ladies room in a restaurant, threw up, and was back at our
table, my date non-the-wiser.   In retrospect, this was a miserable way to

The above all stopped when I stopped taking Eldapryl.

Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange  On Behalf Of Rollin & Rosemary Dexter
Sent:   Thursday, July 17, 1997 9:57 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Nausea

Thanks Marling, for the response for curling toes.  However, I haven't
received any response about continuing nausea.  Has anyone been suffering
from nausea from Sinimet from the time they started taking it?  Surely there
must be something one could take to diminsh it.  The person I am inquiring
for has been taking it for 10 years and it is still a problem. I will repeat
her dosages in case you missed my first posting.
Sinimet, 25/100 at 6am,  12, 4pm and 8 pm
Eldyprel, 8am and 12
Zantex at 8 am , 12 and 6 pm.
cg for Dex 73/4 and Support Group Leader, Rosemary Dexter [log in to unmask]