

My parkie takes the same meds you name.  He gets restless, antsy, around 4 or
5pm.  Aggravates me during 'Jeopary' at 4:30p here. Odd- that's the name I
give it--antsy. His sinemet CR 50/200 are at 6am, 10am, 2pm,7or 8pm. With
 each dose he also gets permex .25 at 10 and bedtime and 1 1/2 at 6am and
2pm.  Elderpryl at bkf and noon.
We had our first dose of mirapex at 7pm today.  The ND did not stop the
permex at all-It's mirapex tab (.125mg ) 1 tab 3Xdaily for one week and then
2 tabs X 3daily. I bet the hallucinations come!
Mary CG Mel 76/11