

At 12 July 1997 00:47:08 -400 RDBowling wrote:

>The fan mail covers quite a range of emotions.  Kudos to those who
>offered warmth, love and understanding.  I couldn't quite get that
>far, Ken Becker's post pretty well summed up my reaction but in a more
>gentlemenly way.  The Mike Tyson approach if you will.

Personally, I did not find Jeanne's posting offensive.  Hopefully, she
will find the answers she's seeking.  However...scuse me? Mike Tyson?
Hardly a subject for "banter". The guy's a convicted rapist! He was
disgusting way before he bit any opponent's ear.

Clara Nistler
"Maybe I didn't have a breakdown-maybe I had a breakthrough."
-Trudy (bag lady-The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe)