

Dear listfriends :-)) (means a big smile)
Here in the early morning 6.00 am I start my day taking my first dosis of
med. next step is to open my comp. and looks for new e-mail -can`t hardly
wait because I`m waiting for an important message from U.K. Next step is
-while I`m still is  more or less stiff -to go to Parkinsons-chat to have a
little chat with my chat-friends in Australia, U.S. maybe The Netherlands,
isn`t GREAT,  because even I`m stiff I use my fingers to type, use my brain
to think,  try to use my English, and the most important, I have some
wonderful people to share my thaughts and feelings with. I can tell I`m
feeling so good this morning, or I`m miserable.
On this list I can laugh with you, cry with you, share my feelings with
you. If I havn`t been seeing a memeber for some weeks I `m worried, but
suddenly is that person "onboard" again. Hope you soon are feeling much
better Barbara Patterson :-).
Even I don`t work anymore is it very important to follow the discussion
about JOBS, because I print information out and can show them to my
PWP-friends to let them know what people in the whole world are thinking
about this subject.
In my opinion is every SUBJECT important, because it is important to that
person who write to the list, I have often done in the mittle of the night
when I couldn`t sleep.
About the volumen ( is it the right word?) of e-mail I compare it like a
snow-ball, sometimes it`s rolling until it is very big and HAS TO STOP, and
sometimes it almost can`t start rolling.
While I have let my thaughts "rolling" I suddenly feel less stiff, I`m
looking forward to visit my son and daughter-in-law this afternoon because
very soon I`m going to be a GRANDMAMA :-)) and I`m looking forward.
By the way I never forget the difficultes I had to come into this list, and
I`ll never forget all that help I have got to be "guided" into Freetel -
Pirch - and Mirch - THANKS`S MY FRIENDS.
It is the first time I ever have been writing such a long e-mail, and I
promise not to do it again.!! I hope, but it was important to mee.
A speciel greeting to Barbara and Michel I had the pleasure to visit in
Copenhagen some weeks ago.
I wish you all a nice -week-end.

Sonia Nielsen