

In an effort to jump over the possible racial slur suggested in the post
concerning Mohammed Ali refusing to take his Sinemet, I would like to
addresss the larger issue in regards to *why* he doesn't take the med.

Not that I 've ever spoken to him about his reasoning (you'll all be
shocked out there to realize that I don't even know the man), but I can
sympathize with him.  My husband also refuses to take Sinemet until he's
away from his job.  He finds the dyskinesia associated with 'going up' and
'coming down' from Sinemet so devastating, that he is  unwilling to take
that med during working hours.  Furthermore, the onset of the drug is too
unpredictable for him to chance dyskinesia occurring during an important

So, Jamie takes Sinemet when he comes home and doesn't have to worry about
not being able to move for the 10 minutes to 1/2 hour as the drug is
beginning to take affect.  Considering that he continues to work even
though he's had PD for the past 17 years must mean that he's doing
something right.
Mary Ann