

That was you that had the informative letter on depression.  I was going
through the list mail and thought it looked interesting and it was.  How much
I would like to stop taking my anti-depressant but I'm somewhat pre-disposed
to feeling low,
after talking with my brother about he and I and the relatives.
I'm glad you have found some of the answers.  Since I've retired, a weight
has been lifted from my chest.  In fact I don't know how I lasted as long as
I did.  Getting up at six, driving 25 miles, working with Special needs high
school students, trying to stay helpful and positive after hearing their sad
stories- no breakfast. holding a job after school, (so they fell asleep in
class) abuse, dsylexia, learning disabilities, need for glasses, pregnancy,
My adopted daughter was diagnosed with a bi-polar disorder.  She is like two
different people when she's up or down.  Doesn't always take her medicine
How is Stubby?  Any more dreams when looking out the window?  My Bruce got so
upset by the rug cleaners coming in the house last week I felt movement in
the bottom of the recliner I was sitting in.  Yes, it was my brave kitty,
moving around underneath me.  I was afraid to move, thinking I'd squeeze him
flat, but he was alright.  He came out when they left and decided to stay on
the top of my lap this time.
Will you be taking the Mirepex?  I'm supposed to get a prescription soon.
 Hope springs eternal!

60/3 yrs.