

Friends, maybe someone can tell us if they have had similar symptoms
to a couple which really are bugging Peter of late:
Spasms of tongue biting--different from the unconscious chewing of
the tongue that he has had for months, these are sharp, sudden bites that
hurt, and even wake him up at night when it happens in his sleep. It seems
somewhat comparable to a jerk or dyskinesia.  The sideways,rhythmic jaw
movement which he developed when there was a slight increase in Sinemet,
seems to have disappeared when I cut back to the lower dose. (The increase
was only from 20/200 (2-10/100s) to 25/250 in 3 hrs,but that may have put
him,finally, overthe edge to dyskinesia.

The other symptom is different from a regular PD tremor--which he has
almost none of--and is a violent trembling or shaking hard to control,
which occurs when he first rises from a seat, and gets worse if someone
grabs and tries to help/hold him.  It's a "wild bouncing up and down" which
makes him panicky, and even more so if anyone tries to hold onto him. It's
scary to watch, as it seems he will fall over--but it soon stops if he can
get control of it himself, stabilize with a walker, etc. So far, he hasn't
fallen, however.

I have posted about our experience with Aricept, which unfortunately
didn't help him, and apparently added insomnia,nausea, and anorexia to
his symptom life,till we stopped it. Has anyone else had this experience with
this med, whichso many have found helpful?  He's now eating again a bit better
and I hope will regain at least some of the 20 lbs he lost!

Any suggestions, comments, will be  of interest--we see his neuro on
Monday, and will ask for a Mirapex RX .

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter, 78/7, Oxford,Ohio
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