

Judith, you hit the nail on the head! No matter what laws are in effect, when
you have an employer/employee relationship, if the employer does not want
you, he/she/it will find a way for you to be out of there, eventually.  It
may not be immediate, but it will happen.
The problem we have is that there are various levels of honesty, driven by
legal and financial powers. If everyone was 100% honest, and had unlimited
funds, it would be so simple. The employee could say "I can't do my job the
way it should be done, or as well as another person could do it, so please
pay me disability, or give me a position I can handle: The employer could say
"I hate to lose you, but I have plenty of insurance, so here is $1000,000.00,
go have a nice life, and send me a post card from the French Riveira, My Son
in Law will replace you in your job."   Life should be so simple! In real
life, the Employer would tell everyone he/she/it knows "I have an employee
who does a great job, but I am annoyed because he/she takes a few sick days a
year, and gets off a few minutes early to go for medical treatments
occasionally. I have to figure out what it will cost me to dump this
employee, and replace him/her with a less experienced person who will work
for less money, fewer benefits, and will not take days off to attend family
funerals, or just because they have a body part amputated.  I wonder if I pay
my lawyer $2,000,000.00, can he find a loophole to put this employee on
For every wonderful, generous, understanding employer, with enough insurance
and capital to run a business that can make a profit and also treat people
like human beings, there are probably (my guess) 999,975 who would put pay
toilets in a diarrhea ward to make a few cents profit.   Then there are the
other 24(still my guess) that will do everything they can to help employees,
 but eventually put them on the unemployment line.  What a WONDERFUL WORLD!
 And I am still working...with MY attitude? (That is what you call a