

I have experienced akathesia (another lovely word to add to the list)
for some years now. I used to call it the "heeby jeebies". I have
always associated it with periods of low medication levels.  The 'cure'
was voluntary movement, until my meds kicked in.

Recently, as part of the build up to a pallidotomy, I had to be off
meds for protracted periods. This meant that the akathesia, which
previously had been shortlived at each manifestation, was able to
really get going.  I had assumed that it was in some way associated
with tremor, but in fact, the sense of 'crawling' or 'bubbling' under the
skin, gave way to a distinctly distonic cramping which came and went
in a regular 'pulsing' rhythm (at a guess 20 - 30 pulses per minute).

This nearly drove me mad.  Again the only way to get any relief was
to get up and do something. The nursing staff on several floors
eventually reached the stage where they did not even glance up as
"the ghost who shuffles" went by on his early morning rounds.

In the 3 months since surgery, I have not had an attack of akathesia,
which used to occure 2 or 3 times a week.


Dennis Greene 47/10
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