

On Sat, 19 Jul 1997, Bent Willow wrote:

> sympathize with him.  My husband also refuses to take Sinemet until he's
> away from his job.  He finds the dyskinesia associated with 'going up' and
> 'coming down' from Sinemet so devastating, that he is  unwilling to take

Your husband's drug regimen sounds unique.  But more importantly, glad to
hear it works for him.

After Gene was diagnosed in '87, his neuro prescribed Elderpryl.  It took
about three years,(until his voice got weaker, tremor increased,and lack
of facial expression), before he started taking Sinemet.  I recall the day
vividly because immediately after he popped the pill, one of his shoulders
started "rising" up and his facial muscles seemed to be trying to pull in
both directions. At the time, he was employed as a manager of a dairy and
was experiencing a lot of employee turnover. But,in his case, the
Sinemet was helpful on the job.  By the end of the day, he no longer
experienced loss of voice power, masked face symptoms. and an increased
tremor. So far, his meds work for him and the only problem he has is
remembering to take his pills on time.  The kids and I have offered to get
him a watch with an alarm, but he declines the offer.

Recently, Gene started taking a water aerobics class three times a week.
He's the only male in a class with about 10 women. So...besides taking
some strokes...his ego gets some attention too.  He looks good!

Wishing you a continuing positive med program,

Clara Nistler