

This is a follow up to the Mirapex alert concerning the advisability of
mixing Mirapex with either of these two other drugs.  I posted a quote from
University of Kansas PD Center which was:  "Cannot be on Parlodel or Permax
while on Mirapex, must be weaned off by a physician."

It is possible that this is based on a general practice of the center not to
prescribe more than one drug from a category, in this case agonists.  While
my doctor chose to wean me off the Parlodel before starting on the Mirapex,
there is at least one other KU patient who is being weaned off her Parlodel
while tritating up on the Mirapex.  All the doctors will try to work with the
PWP by taking into account what the PWP feels most comfortable with.

Like many other things we deal with in coping with PD, we on the list may
likely  learn more about what works by posting case examples, i.e. how we did
it and what it was like.  We will do that from here in about 3 or 4 weeks.

Perhaps there are some case examples on this question from those who were in
the research groups.


Barbara Blake-Krebs                     [log in to unmask]