

Link Between Chronic Fatigue, Serotonin Dysfunction Confirmed

WESTPORT, Jul 21 (Reuters) - New evidence in the July 19 issue of the
British Medical Journal confirms the link between chronic fatigue syndrome
and increased brain serotonin function.

Investigators at the Littlemore Hospital in Oxford, UK, examined changes in
plasma prolactin concentration after the administration of D-fenfluramine
to men with chronic fatigue syndrome and to healthy controls. Dr. P.J.
Cowen and associates observed an increase in serotonin-mediated prolactin
release in men with chronic fatigue syndrome relative to controls after
administration of the selective serotonin releasing agent.

The British team also points out that patients with major depression have a
decreased prolactin response to D-fenfluramine, "...making it unlikely that
chronic fatigue syndrome and depression share a common pathophysiology."

Dr. Cowen speculates that elevated brain serotonin activity "...might
explain the excessive fatigue experienced by patients with chronic fatigue
syndrome. Increased prolactin release mediated by serotonin in the chronic
fatigue syndrome might, however, be a secondary consequence of behavioural
changes such as prolonged inactivity or disturbance of the sleep-wake=

BMJ 1997;315:164-165.
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