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Date: 22 Jul 97 9:17:12
From: Natalie Kontakos <[log in to unmask]>
To: John Poupore <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Parkinsons and Smoking

About PD and # who quit smoking....there is a pretty good article; Smoking and
Parkinson's disease by Mayeux et al. Movement Disorders Vol 9 (2) 1994 p.
207-212. The abstract states that significantly more PD patients than controls
had quit smoking. Their analyses show that the number of patients and controls
with a history of smoking is the same where as more controls smoke at the time
of the interview. An interesting argument against the smoking protects from PD
(Gradinetti et al. (Honolulu follow up study, plus numerous other studies) :
this one is stating that  PD (probably during the preclinical phase) reduces

Natalie Kontakos

PS: for some reason I am having difficulty sending messages to the entire
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