

 I have come across some items that are supposed to be humorous but I guess
that is up to the indivual to determine. I will post acouple of these and
then if anyone would like  to read anymore of them lert me know.  They were
written by PWP.  I wasn't too impressed!

How do you shake hands with a pwp?   You grap hold and hang on.

Know what they call a Pwp who takes five minutes to button his  shirt?  Speedy!

A lady sent her husband who had PD to the store three times for cream-it
didn't work - by the time he reached home they always would end up with
another pint of butter.

If your tremor bothers people too much "Just put me in your bath tub, add
some soap and water,and I'll do your laundry for you! (If you learn to spin
dry, you can go commercial

Enough of this as I may be sorry I posted them.

Russ    [log in to unmask]