

on OPRAH last week she was talking about keeping a gratitude  journal.
Every  dday you write 5 things that you are grateful for that day.
Admittedly, she said, some days are easier to find these
things than others, but every day there IS something.  Like a kiss on the
cheek from a child or garnd child, a beautiful sunset, being able to read a
good book, etc.

For us parkies it might be having a good day, or being thankful for the
medications that make our lives more tolerable, foro caring care giveres
etc.  What ever the  case it certainly heps us look at the good in our
lives and after time it can't hlep but make us more cheerful and less

I for one am going to try it. One of the first things on my list will be
this group.  I really am thankful for all the friends we ha