

> Fra: Rollin & Rosemary Dexter <[log in to unmask]>
> Til: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
> Emne: Nausea
> Dato: 17. juli 1997 18:56
> Thanks Marling, for the response for curling toes.  However, I haven't
> received any response about continuing nausea.  Has anyone been suffering
> from nausea from Sinimet from the time they started taking it?  Surely
> must be something one could take to diminsh it.  The person I am
> for has been taking it for 10 years and it is still a problem. I will
> her dosages in case you missed my first posting.
> Sinimet, 25/100 at 6am,  12, 4pm and 8 pm
> Eldyprel, 8am and 12
> Zantex at 8 am , 12 and 6 pm.
> cg for Dex 73/4 and Support Group Leader, Rosemary Dexter [log in to unmask]

Hello Rosemary, I jhave just in this minute e-mailed you about Motilium.
Sonia N