

>Debbie, you seem to know much about drugs. I am a newly diagnosed PD. 2
>capsules a day of ELDEPRYL have been perscribed. At the present time I
>elected to obstain. Is there any studies of people who have refused to take
Erwin,  I too have wrestled with the question regarding whether to begin
taking anti-Parkinsonian drugs.  However, after a fair degree of due
diligence on my part, I decided to take Deprenyl (Eldepryl) by itself
although I am considering lowering the dosage from 10mg to 5mg per day.
There are many people schooled in the medical sciences who believe (as
shown in animal experimentation) that Deprenyl may even extend lifespan.
There are many "healthy" medical professionals who are currently taking up
to 5mg/day for what they believe to be positive attributes of this drug.  I
could go on and on but the bottom line is simple; you must try to be
informed and make your choice.  I never assume that just because an M.D.
prescribed a drug, everything is OK.
Take care!

Jay ([log in to unmask])