


Wendy Tebay's statement in her posting today that..."Perhaps neurologists
in studying PD should all be teaming up with doctors who specialize in
treating liver disease..." is right on the money, in my opinion.  I also
believe MY PD was caused by exposure to toxins (DDT) when I was just a
baby.  To cure and to prevent a great deal of the Parkinson's Disease
that exists today and would strike in the future, an answer must be found
of ways to keep these poisons from destroying our substantia nigra nerve
Likewise, I also agree with Wendy that some of the Udall funds should go
to researchers of alternative treatments like detoxification regimes.

The question is...Who do we contact to get more attention paid to toxin
research and the liver's inability to rid our bodies of these PD-causing


Janice Long (54/20)